After considerable investigation, it would appear this Maxwell has been somewhat of a workhorse right up until post WW2, where anything and everything that would keep the vehicle on the road (or in the paddock) going was utilised. It had obviously suffered from frosty conditions with the thin water jacket casting having been cracked and repaired and cracked again in the past. So one of our first challenges was to do a proper repair with appropriate cast iron patches welded into place by a specialist cast iron welder. This included warming the cylinders up to temperate over 24 hours, including the patch, maintaining the temperature during the welding process and then drawing it down to cool over a further 24 hours.

Likewise, the chassis had suffered copious amount of stress, strain and repairs and ultimately the decision was taken to re-manufacture the side rails and re-rivet the original cross members and appropriate bracketry to provide a solid framework for the Maxwell to continue to run for another 100 years.